


Song - Don't Bang The Drum (The Waterboys, 1985)

Don't Bang The Drum en.wikipedia.org 歌詞 https://www.google.com/search?q=Lyrics+Don't+Bang+The+Drum 歌っているアーティスト [1980] YouTube Band: The Waterboys, Disc: This Is the Sea (1985), Track 23[1990] YouTube Band: The Waterboys, Disc:…

Song - Old England (The Waterboys, 1985)

Old England 歌詞 https://www.google.com/search?q=Lyrics+Old+England 歌っているアーティスト The Waterboys (ザ・ウォーターボーイズ) バンドとか CD とか [1980] YouTube Band: The Waterboys, Disc: This Is the Sea (1985), Track 18[1990] YouTube B…

Disc - The Waterboys - The Waterboys Live Part 1 (2020)

The Waterboys Live Part 1 (2020) www.youtube.comBand: The Waterboys (ザ・ウォーターボーイズ)1. Be My Enemy (Live) (4:11) 2. Old England (Live) (5:42) 3. The Thrill Is Gone / And The Healing Has Begun (Live) (10:12) 4. The Pan Within / B…